Who Is Maud Dixon?

Barbara’s Pick
June 2021

Who Is Maud Dixon?
Alexandra Andrews
Published March 2, 2021, Little, Brown, and Company

Last time I was in, our librarian reminded me about the pile of Lucky Day Books. This one jumped out, and I’m glad it did!

The twisty thriller, already headed to Hollywood, is set in the world of publishing. Florence Darrow, in her mid-twenties and feeling stuck in her job and life, miraculously gets the job offer of the year—personal assistant to Helen Wilcox, a best-selling author with the nom de plume of Maud Dixon. When they head to Morocco to do research for “Maud’s” much-anticipated second book, the rollercoaster ride begins.

As Florence types the pages, she notes that the writing is not up to the quality of the first book, so she starts adding and substituting words, satisfying her own writing ambitions.

I don’t want to spoil the thrill, so I’ll stop there—but trust me, this book will keep you guessing until the last page.

Happy reading!