21 Lessons for the 21st Century

Vicki’s Pick (Guest Reviewer)
July 2021

21 Lessons for the 21st Century
Yuval Noah Harari
Random House Publishing

21 Lessons for the 21st Century sounds the alarm for liberal democracy (to date the best form of government) to step up and address our greatest threats: Ecological disaster and Technological disruption. He notes that the merger of biotech & infotech pose novel challenges, and questions whether the 1% who own half the world’s wealth, or stated differently, the richest one hundred people who own more than the poorest four billion, will transform economic inequality into biological inequality. Anyone who finds their smart phone with new unrequested apps and multiple requests to follow their location may well ask Harari’s question, “who owns the DATA?”.

For a lighter read that raises the same questions read Kingsolver’s Unsheltered!

Happy Reading & Joyful Living,
