The Beautiful Mystery

Sonja’s Pick
September, 2020

The Beautiful Mystery
Louise Penny

I personally thrive on music so when I found this novel was about 24 monks who have become world famous for their singing and recording of ancient chants I became interested.  Their effect on listeners is known as “the beautiful mystery.”

Someone had murdered the choirmaster and disturbed its supposedly peaceful environment. Entry to the monastery has never been allowed except now for Chief Inspector Gamache and fellow inspector Jean Guy Beauvoir  to find the murderer amongst the 24. An emotional twist has been involved concerning Beauvoir and Gamache’s daughter who are secretly having an affair. The intrigue concerning why a new album could be made to support reconstruction of the aging monastery adds a realistic touch to this novel of love, spiritual devotion and obedience. 

I read later that this is Penny’s 8th novel about Chief Inspector Gamache. It was intriguing enough that I will search out others.