Inconspicuous Consumption

Sonja’s Pick
January 2020

Inconspicuous Consumption
Tatianna Schlossberg
Grand Central Publishing (August 27, 2019)
277 pp

We are all worried about the environment and are inundated daily with proposals and remedies. This is a must read for all of us concerned with OUR world.
The author has searched for all kinds of interesting information that we knew nothing about and packed in a very readable form—with tons of footnotes.
Did you know that our inexpensive cashmere made from Mongolian goats have overgrazed to the point that it is so coarse more goats are needed and the cycle for overgrazing continues depleting the earth.
And she would like government and corporations to make sure everyone acts more responsively but that only happens when citizens push them. It’s not our fault that we buy cheap cashmere!
She feels that all of us need to fight for the Green New Deal. It’s all very complicated. Did you know that European utilities claim that burning wood is carbon neutral therefore allowing them to purchase our pellets from the forests of the Southeast which is now decimating those (our) forests.
One can only read a few chapters at a time –there is so much information. But that is fine as the book is neatly divided into problems she dwells on. She is a reporter and this is an eye opening report.