
Barbara’s Pick
November 2021

Lisa Genova
Harmony Publishing, March 23, 2021

In my younger days, occasionally I misplaced my keys or important papers and had to spend precious minutes looking for them. It was annoying but usually ended with a promise never to do THAT again.

Now that I am of “a certain age,” I freak out when I can’t remember a musical artist from the 80s or the name of a restaurant. As we age, forgetfulness affects us all but it’s not always due to the dreaded dementia or Alzheimer’s.

Dr. Lisa Genova, a neuroscientist, has written a book explaining how we remember, why we forget, and how to strengthen our memory. She manages to lay down bite-size bits of science that a layperson can ingest and illustrates these points by relating to her own life. She is my hero in this regard, as science and I don’t always connect.

This book is a relatively quick read, but the content is fascinating. I enjoyed it so much that after borrowing the ebook I also purchased the hardcover. I know I will read it again!